New Pope Selected, White Smoke Pours from Sistine Chapel, Bells Ring in Vatican City - VIDEO ABC News 1:01 11 years ago 138 258 Далее Скачать
Round 2: Still no Pope. Black Smoke comes out of Sistine Chapel ROME REPORTS in English 0:42 11 years ago 7 634 Далее Скачать
Black smoke again billows from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel eitb 0:47 11 years ago 735 Далее Скачать
WRAP Chimney put on top of Sistine Chapel for pope smoke signals AP Archive 3:08 9 years ago 434 Далее Скачать
Pope not yet elected: Black Smoke comes out of Sistine Chapel ROME REPORTS in English 1:11 11 years ago 18 251 Далее Скачать
Sistine Chapel gets ready, historic chimney brought in for Conclave ROME REPORTS in English 1:06 11 years ago 17 146 Далее Скачать
Suspense in St Peter's as thousands watch conclave AFP News Agency 2:09 11 years ago 251 Далее Скачать
First conclave vote ends with black smoke Catholic News Service 0:39 11 years ago 7 828 Далее Скачать
Sistine Chapel black smoke means no new Pope: first day of conclave ends with no decision JewishNewsOne 1:07 11 years ago 247 Далее Скачать